FAQ Frequently asked questions

The procedure is the following:
Log in to your Paypal account.
Click on the “settings” icon on the top right of the screen.
Then click on “payments” to see all your pre-approved payments.
After clicking on “manage pre-approved payments” select one or more payments that you want to delete.
We suggest you wait until near the end of your current subscription to benefit from it until its termination.
Grouping your parcels means that we reunite all your parcels in one box. The bigger your parcel, the lower your transportation costs which can also help reducing your invoice by choosing this option. Before asking to group your parcels, we advise you to use the “simulation” tool on our website with the weight and length of your parcel if you were to choose that option. It is recommended especially for tiny items (books, shoes, clothes etc…)
Once your consolidation request has been completed, the status of your parcels changes to "consolidation completed". A new reference ending in "C" is then created. This new reference corresponds to the grouping of parcels requested, for which you can request forwarding to the address of your choice!
Unfortunately, as a matter of practicality, we cannot group a parcel that’s already been grouped. Once your consolidation request has been completed, the status of your parcels changes to "consolidation completed". A new reference ending in "C" is then created. This new reference corresponds to the grouping of parcels requested, for which you can request forwarding to the address of your choice!
The rates are different, so is the service!

A/ Tracking:

-DHL (France and USA warehouse) - Excellent tracking
Precision and German rigour on the program. Present on almost all destinations, reliable and efficient service.

-UPS (France and US warehouse) - Good tracking
Accurate but less efficient than UPS on the African continent.

-Colissimo (France warehouse) - Limited tracking
Quality service but generally longer than UPS and DHL. Very good on DOMTOM. The quality of the international service depends on the reliability of the local post office. If the post office of your country of residence is failing, go your way!

- Chronopost (France warehouse) - Excellent tracking
Very effective monitoring, updated on time. Chronopost works with partners in each of the countries it serves. Thus, you can be delivered with DHL to your destination.

-UPSP (United States warehouse) - Very limited tracking
The American Post! A little updated tracking, and limited opportunities to open a claim. However, packages arrive safely, sometimes a little late.

-Delivengo (France warehouse) - Very limited tracking
The cheapest solution if you are not in a hurry! Be careful, the possibilities to open a claim are almost nil.

B/ Weight and height limitations

Packages can weigh up to 70 kg.
The combined length and girth of packages must not exceed 419 cm.
Package length must not exceed 270 cm
Note: Packages exceeding UPS size and weight limits are subject to a Maximum Exceeded Limit Surcharge.

Max weight: 70kg
Max dimensions: 300x300x300cm.
If packed on a pallet, these limits may be exceeded.
Note: Packages exceeding DHL size and weight limits are subject to a Maximum Exceeded Limit Surcharge.

Max weight: 30kg,
Max dimensions: 200cm (height + length + width)

- Chronopost:
Max weight: 30kg
Max dimensions: 300cm (length + 2 height + 2 width)

Max weight: 70 lbs
Max dimensions: 60inches (height + length + width)

- Delivengo
Max weight: 2kg
Max dimensions: 90cm (height + length + width)
1: Take a Premium Easy Delivery subscription
On Easy Delivery, we offer a Premium subscription without obligation from €3.25 excl. tax per month. This subscription allows you to access several options and benefits, including three that allow you to make real savings on your shipment:
10 additional days of free storage (a total of 30 days instead of 20) that will allow you to wait for the arrival of several orders to group them.
10% discount on all your shipments during the subscription period.
The option of grouping (€1.50/parcel excluding tax from France and €1.70/parcel excluding tax from the USA) to be able to group several orders in a single carton.
With these options and advantages, the cost of the subscription is profitable in 1 shipment !

2: Group multiple orders
To optimize your shipping costs for sure: there’s nothing better than placing multiple orders. Indeed, at Easy Delivery, transportation costs are degressive: the heavier the package weighs, the lower the price per kilo.
Once your consolidation request is made on Easy Delivery, our logisticians carry out a custom consolidation. They start by removing all unnecessary packaging and boxes to keep only the objects. They then put it all together in a more compact box. This avoids unnecessary space loss and therefore increased costs.

3: Choose your carrier according to your needs
When choosing your carrier, take the time to compare the delivery times, rates and offer of each carrier.
For example, if you need express delivery with a courier and signature, choose UPS or DHL. They are premium carriers and therefore more expensive. On the contrary, if you are not in a hurry, choose Colissimo, which corresponds to an economical offer.
You will find a list of forbidden articles we can't export. If one of your parcel contain a forbidden article, we will not send it for safety precaution.
It is your responsibility to check if an item can be received in the destination country, even if it does not appear in the list below. For this, you can contact local customs. You will find a detailed list in our Terms and Conditions.
If you have any doubts, please contact our customer service.
- Lithium batteries
- Perfume, spays and nail polish
- Alcool (under conditions)
- Counterfeit articles
- Article of exceptional value (for example, piece of art, gemstone, gold and silver)
- Firearms /airguns
- Fur/ animals skins
- Ivory and derived products
- Live animals
- Plants and seeds
- Tobacco and derived products
- Dangerous materials (Acid, Gaz, Poison, Radioactive product, Toxic product...)

When you order something online, the retailer asks for a delivery adress. You just have to enter the address that’s been given to you at the time of you subscription to Easy-Delivery. When you subscribe on Easy Delivery, you are given two addresses : one in France, and one in the United States. If you order on a French website, you need to choose the French warehouse address and if your order on an American website, you need to select the US warehouse address.
These addresses will always be available on the dashboard of your easy-delivery.com account each time you log in with your username and your password.

To order on a French website, your address will appear like this:
M Last Name First Name
Easy-Delivery XXXXXX
33 boulevard Tisseron
13014 Marseille

----> When Amazon asks for your address, we advise you enter it like this:
Last Name and First Name: Last Name and First Name
Address line 1: 33 boulevard Tisseron
Address line 2: Easy-Delivery XXXXXX
City : Marseille
State/Region: Bouches du Rhône
Postcode/zip: 13014
Country: France
Phone number: +33 7 80 91 15 65

You may receive a message stating that the street hasn’t been recognised but you can validate this address anyway. You’re shopping ready

To order on an American website, your address will appear like this:
First / Last name : yours
Address line 1 : Easy Delivery + your customer reference
Address line 2 : 7485 pike 418
City : Middletown
State : Missouri or MO
Zip code : 63359
Phone number : +1 857-407-1150
Our warehouse is open from 8a.m. to 7p.m., Monday to Friday. If the website you’re shopping from allows you to choose a specific delivery date, be sure to choose a date and an hour in which our warehouse is open.
You have to choose an “at home” delivery and not a delivery in a “Pick-up and Go” establishment or location.

In other words:

- Always mention Easy-delivery in the address.
- No deliveries taking place on week-ends and public holidays.
- No “Pick-up and Go” deliveries like Relais Colis, Relais Kiala and such.
The carrier is responsible for the merchandise up to a limit of 23EUR/KG. If you wish to take out an insurance corresponding to the real value of your merchandise, we advise you to choose the optional insurance at the time of carrying the expedition (6% of the merchandise’s value).
Yes, the payment takes place when you are delivered your parcel. You have to pay for the export duties and taxes of your destination country, their amount is calculated based on the merchandise’s value you declared on our website. If you want a more precise estimation, you will have to contact your country’s most appropriate administration. Please note that numerous countries have varying customs allowances which allow sums under a certain amount to be exonerated from these duties and taxes.

Furthermore, Colissimo, Chronopost DHL, and UPS can bill fixed costs on clearance.

You can get an estimation of those fees by using one of these online tax calculator :

- https://www.simplyduty.com/
- https://www.colissimo.entreprise.laposte.fr/fr/calculateur-douane
When you want to create an account on Le Bon Coin, Vinted or Ebay, you need a French phone number. Companies such as Onoff, Ringover and Sonetel offer virtual numbers that work with an application.
To create one easily, with a few clicks and a few euros, here is our selection:
- https://www.onoff.app/en/
- https://sonetel.com
- https://www.ringover.fr
Yes. If a parcel looks damaged, we do not accept the delivery. It allows us to work in your best interest in regards to the retailer. You will be notified by email.
To better estimate your transportation costs, we advise you to check the height of your parcel directly alongside the retailer. The dimensions and the weight of the parcel are sometimes available on their website. If it is not the case, we suggest you send an email to the customer support to avoid unpleasant situations.
If your parcel comes to you already damaged, you have to contact the representative of the carrier that delivered it to you within 48h following the delivery. See our Terms and Conditions for more details.
The following calculation is carried out: (L x W x H) / 5000
If the result is greater than the total weight, then this result is used as the taxable weight. Otherwise, the total weight will be used as the taxable weight. In any case, you will be charged on the taxable weight.
You can use the following website:

No problem, our system knows if your country possesses or not a zip code and if it is mandatory or not to put it in your address. If there is no zip code in your country, leave the information box empty.
Easy-Delivery does not sell items online. You need to buy on a French or American website that is able to deliver in our warehouse. You can access all brands available in the United States or France through your Easy Delivery forwarding address.
No we don’t, we only deliver small parcels. However, you can order spare parts.
Yes, the heaviest your parcel is, the lower your invoice will be. This is why grouping your parcels is a good opportunity to pay less in the final invoice.
The details regarding your online parcel are affiliated to a unique tracking code that your supplier will give you at the time of the expedition of you purchase. We also mention, if possible, the name of the supplier. Example: Fr9736969940/Amazon